“Achieving a more holistic approach to both research and care is one main intent of our gift, the center will allow scientists and physicians to exchange insights regularly, not just as projects allow.”
What We've Achieved - COE by the numbers
4 core areas; Drug Discovery, Biomarker Core, Neurologic Core, Cardiac Core
27 dedicated clinicians, scientists, lab techs, PhDs
$7,400,000 in committed funding from 2013-2019 from the Hamilton/Finneran families
4 new blood-base biomarkers
Purchase of Q-Exactive HF Hybrid Quadripole-Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer
Purchase of exercise equipment utilized for endpoints in clinical trials
9 companies/academics utilizing our cell repository
500 FA visits at CHOP/COE last year
742 gene expression profiles run to date
65 additional cardiac FA visits
50 fibroblast cell lines used for biomarker study and drug screens
24 serum cardiac biomarkers tested
4 new therapeutic targets discovered
Enabled 5 current ongoing clinical trials, 3 more on the horizon